Smile Design

Smile Design

My smile embarrasses me. My teeth are not visible, and I look like I have no teeth.

If your smile embarrasses you, there are a couple of things you can do to enhance it.

  1. Consult a cosmetic dentist to discuss your concerns and goals regarding your smile.
  2. The dentist will analyze your dental structure and develop a personalized treatment plan for you.
  3. The treatment plan may include cosmetic procedures like teeth whitening, veneers, or orthodontic treatments such as braces or clear aligners.
  4. Follow through with your treatment plan, which may require multiple visits to the dentist over several weeks or months.
  5. After the treatment is complete, maintain a post-treatment nurturing routine, including regular oral hygiene practices, dental checkups, and avoiding excessive consumption of beverages and smoking.

When I smile, my left front teeth show more than my right front teeth. Can I change this?

A cosmetic dentist can change the asymmetry in your smile using specific methods depending on the root cause of the asymmetry.

Some of the causes of asymmetrical smiles and the procedures involved in correcting them are in the list below.

  1. Teeth shape and size difference: If one of your front teeth is larger than the other, the dentist may recommend veneers or bonding. These procedures involve applying a fine layer of porcelain or composite resin on the surface of your teeth to amend their shape and improve symmetry.
  2. Bite coordination: Crooked teeth can also cause an asymmetrical smile. In such cases, the dentist may suggest treatments such as metal or ceramic braces, or clear aligners to alter your smile.
  3. Unequal gum line: If an unequal gum line is the cause of your asymmetrical smile. In this case, a dentist may likely recommend gum contouring. This procedure involves the removal of surplus gum tissues to equalize the gum line.

It is advisable to consult a cosmetic dentist to explore various options and discuss the treatment. The specific treatment will differ based on each person's needs and goals.

I refrain from smiling because gaps between my teeth bother me. How can I improve this ?

If you have concerns about gaps between your teeth and they prevent you from smiling, consider the following treatment options that can improve your smile:

  1. Implants: Dentists can surgically install a metal post in the jawbone. They blend it with the bone to provide a steady foundation for a false replacement tooth in cases where a tooth is missing and has resulted in a gap in your teeth.
  2. Veneers: Dentists place custom-made, thin porcelain armours called veneers over your existing teeth to close the gaps.
  3. Dental crowns: Dentists place Dental crowns which resemble caps, over decaying or damaged teeth.
  4. Braces-If misalignment of the teeth causes the gaps between your teeth, braces can be a go-to to gradually move your teeth into the proper position.
  5. Dental bonding: involves the application of a natural enamel-coloured composite resin to fill the gaps between your teeth and reshape them, similar to veneers.
Dental Veneer In Sanjaynagar Bangalore
Dental Veneer In Sanjaynagar Bangalore

When I smile, my gums are very visible. I don't like this and would like to change it.

There are several treatment options available if you don’t like the way your gums appear when you smile:

  1. Orthodontic treatment: An overbite can cause gums to appear more eminent. The solution to this problem is orthodontic treatment like the installation of braces or clear aligners. These would help in straightening teeth, which would ensure less gum visibility when you smile.
  2. Veneers or crowns: If there is a variation in the size of your teeth. This procedure will help in modifying your teeth and making them look large or small depending on the condition of the teeth, reducing the amount of gum tissue that appears.
  3. Lip relocating: This is a surgical procedure that dentists only advise for severe cases and it involves relocating the upper lip to shield excess gums when you smile.
  4. Gum outlining, is also known as gum contouring or gum reshaping. The dentists perform with surgical techniques or a laser and involve removing the excess gum that shows when you smile to reveal more of your teeth.

I don't like the colour of my gums when I smile.

Generally, the colour of your gums depends on various factors like oral hygiene, genetics, lifestyle, and habits. However, if you are unhappy with the colour of your gums, there are several procedures to improve it:

  1. Oral hygiene: Regular flossing and brushing can prevent discolouration of the teeth and enhance the health of your gums.
  2. Quitting smoking: Reducing or altogether quitting smoking can help improve the colour of your gums, as smoking scientifically prove to cause gum discolouration.
  3. Gum depigmentation: This procedure is a go-to if your gums appear too pigmented or dark, and it is done with the help of a laser. This is a nearly painless procedure that involves removing the top layer of pigmented tissue from your gums. It would ensure a lightening of the colour of your gums.

My teeth are all crooked, and I don't smile due to that. Can this be corrected? Yes, crooked teeth can be corrected t

Yes, crooked teeth can be corrected through some orthodontic procedures. Here are a few treatments that we can use to correct crooked teeth:

  1. Invisalign: These are a common alternative to braces; although they take a long time to move the teeth to the position we desire. In comparison with traditional braces, they are removable and transparent.
  2. Veneers: Thin ceramic shells or composite resin layering can be done in the front surface of the teeth selectively to make them appear in alignment.
  3. Braces are the most common and long-lasting treatment for crooked teeth. This treatment includes the use of brackets and wires to slowly move teeth to the position we desire.

I don't like the size of my teeth. How can I change it?

.There are several cosmetic alteration methods available to change the appearance of your teeth if you are unhappy with the way they look.

  1. Teeth contouring: This process involves removing small amounts of tooth enamel in order to enhance the shape and size of your teeth.
  2. Bonding: This involves applying tooth-coloured composite resin over the surface of your tooth in order to change the shape and size of your teeth.
  3. Veneers: These are thin armours made as per the patient's requirements to change the shape or size of their tooth. And also, position them over the front surface of their teeth.